Tag Archives: green practices

Maximizing Energy Conservation

Advocating for local food is more than just a fashion statement.  It is a movement that emphasizes the value of fresh, healthy, wholesome food, supporting local farms and businesses, and enhancing environmental sustainability.  To those ends, check out this advice from researcher Michael Bomford, from Kentucky State University.  He outlines why local food is only part of the equation in terms of reducing energy consumption.  Being a locavore is awesome, but there are ways that we can enhance our local food advocacy in order to take it even further.

fruits and veggies:  get 'em while they're in season!

fruits and veggies: get ’em while they’re in season!

1.    Choosing whole foods over processed foods

Processed food, intuitively, takes more time, energy, and resources to produce.  As an added consequence, processed food contains preservatives and other not-so-good-for-you ingredients.  You want to know what’s in your food.  You want to choose whole foods instead.

2.    Replacing animal products with grain and vegetable-based proteins

Okay, “replace” is a strong word–let’s say, “cut down” on animal products.  Cows, especially, are methane machines. Grain and vegetables, conversely, have a smaller carbon footprint, so stock up on these as much as possible!

3.    Drinking tap water instead of processed beverages

Same logic applies here as tip #1.  Processed=exorbitant use of resources and energy.  Plus, sodas just aren’t good for you.  Load up on that H2O instead.

4.    Choosing food that was grown in a region well-suited to the crop, using methods that build soil and rely primarily on sunshine for energy and rainfall for water

Here’s an extension to that bit:  eat foods that are in-season.  Not sure what fruits and vegetables are in season during a particular time of year?  Look no further than these two comprehensive charts, that  break it all down for your convenience:

Fruits:  http://cuesa.org/sites/default/files/cuesa_seasonal_fruit_chart.pdf

Vegetables:  http://cuesa.org/sites/default/files/cuesa_seasonality_veg_chart.pdf

Cheers to eating well, and helping Mother Earth while we’re at it!

*Source:  http://www.postcarbon.org/article/273686-beyond-food-miles